Marvel Masterworks: Ghost Rider Vol. 5

Marvel Masterworks: Ghost Rider Vol. 5

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Expected Restock Date 01/03/2025
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In the fifth installment of Ghost Rider classics-restored and reprinted in color for the first time ever-the supernatural side of the Marvel Universe is coming out of the dark: The spirit of big rig trucker Clem Barstow does not share the road. Meanwhile, the first appearance of Asmodeus might mean the last appearance for GR! The Tatterdemalion mixes it up with Werewolf by Night, an…
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In the fifth installment of Ghost Rider classics-restored and reprinted in color for the first time ever-the supernatural side of the Marvel Universe is coming out of the dark: The spirit of big rig trucker Clem Barstow does not share the road. Meanwhile, the first appearance of Asmodeus might mean the last appearance for GR! The Tatterdemalion mixes it up with Werewolf by Night, and then Moondark casts a spell that brings in the cavalry with the Night Rider. And, no, your eyes are not playing tricks on you: The Orb is back!