Marvel Crisis Protocol: Colossus and Magik

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Colossus and Magik

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Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Superpowered siblings join the X-Men in the Colossus & Magik Character Pack for Marvel: Crisis Protocol! Born in Siberia, Piotr Rasputin is a mutant with a skin of steel and a heart of gold. He can transform his entire body into organic metal, granting him superhuman strength, durability, and stamina. His sister Illyana Rasputin, meanwhile, trained in the art of magic to become …
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Superpowered siblings join the X-Men in the Colossus & Magik Character Pack for Marvel: Crisis Protocol! Born in Siberia, Piotr Rasputin is a mutant with a skin of steel and a heart of gold. He can transform his entire body into organic metal, granting him superhuman strength, durability, and stamina. His sister Illyana Rasputin, meanwhile, trained in the art of magic to become the Sorceress Supreme of Otherplace. Her mutant ability to teleport herself and others through space and time allows her to be anywhere and anywhen her mystic power is needed.

This pack gives players the chance to round out their X-Men teams with these powerful characters, beginning with beautifully-detailed, dynamic Colossus and Magik miniatures for them to paint and customize. Already featuring a combination of powerful mutant and mystical abilities, players can unlock even more power from this pair with three Team Tactic cards that allow them to tap into the power of Limbo or throw Wolverine with the famous Fastball Special.