Maniac Killer Strikes Again! (Paperback)

Maniac Killer Strikes Again! (Paperback)

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Maniac Killer Strikes Again! is the tongue-in-cheek title of this Greatest Hits' collection of mysterious and delirious comic strip stories by Richard (Evil Eue) Sala, hand-picked by the author from three of his long out-of-print books. Mix noir-ish suspense and late-night horror movies, add a dose of whimsy and a touch of German Expressionism and you get these delightfully creepy t…
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Maniac Killer Strikes Again! is the tongue-in-cheek title of this Greatest Hits' collection of mysterious and delirious comic strip stories by Richard (Evil Eue) Sala, hand-picked by the author from three of his long out-of-print books. Mix noir-ish suspense and late-night horror movies, add a dose of whimsy and a touch of German Expressionism and you get these delightfully creepy tales.'