Magma Sketchbook: Art & Illustration

Magma Sketchbook: Art & Illustration

RRP: £14.99
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RRP £14.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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With reliable information not readily or accurately available on the internet, these sketchbooks address the needs of contemporary practitioners, carefully treading that fine line between providing practical tools and information while not interfering with their creative freedom. They are also made entirely out of eco-friendly materials.

Includes 136 blank pages, two different paper stocks suitable for sketching with pens, pencils, chalk, charcoal and pastels, plus 16 pages of useful information on: types and sizes of paper, pencils, paint and brushes; human proportions and the golden section; methods for stretching paper and canvas; framing and printmaking techniques; digital file types and their uses; and a glossary of useful terms.

Sketchbooks for the twenty-first century: for artists, illustrators, draughtsmen and anyone interested in the visual arts.