Magimundi Bestiary for Pathfinder (Hardcover)

Magimundi Bestiary for Pathfinder (Hardcover)

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Enhance your role-playing game with Never-Before-Seen Fantasy Beasts! Encounter new companions or familiars, new ingredients to harvest, beasts to battle, magical creatures to encounter, and treasure to find. From ancient and wise solitary creatures to hordes of vermin, it’s all here in the Magimundi Bestiary for the 1st Edition of Pathfinder! If you’re a lover of fantastic …
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Enhance your role-playing game with Never-Before-Seen Fantasy Beasts!

Encounter new companions or familiars, new ingredients to harvest, beasts to battle, magical creatures to encounter, and treasure to find. From ancient and wise solitary creatures to hordes of vermin, it’s all here in the Magimundi Bestiary for the 1st Edition of Pathfinder!

If you're a lover of fantastic monsters, mythical beasts, wondrous creatures from the cute to the truly terrifying, you'll enjoy this bestiary monster manual with 60 new beasts for your game night. These creatures come from the Magimundi world and game setting, but they can appear in your Pathfinder 1st edition game at any time with a portal and some imagination.

As a game master, you'll surprise your Pathfinder adventuring party members with new legendary, rare, and common creatures with new types of treasure. As a Pathfinder player, you'll love encountering something new and different than standard Pathfinder beasts.

Full-color breathtaking illustrations accompany each creature's entry! 114 full-color pages!