Madness of Malifaux Expansion Book

Madness of Malifaux Expansion Book

RRP: £25.50
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RRP £25.50
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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The Burning Man's arrival brought chaos to Malifaux and shook the world to its core, but his sudden disappearance worried its people even more. Was he gone forever? Would he return? Those questions all pointed toward the same answer: assume that the worst has yet to come. The faint of heart barricade themselves inside their homes, hiding in fear. The foolhardy shoot toward the sky, …
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The Burning Man's arrival brought chaos to Malifaux and shook the world to its core, but his sudden disappearance worried its people even more. Was he gone forever? Would he return? Those questions all pointed toward the same answer: assume that the worst has yet to come. The faint of heart barricade themselves inside their homes, hiding in fear. The foolhardy shoot toward the sky, believing they can bring down a burning star that isn't even there. But how can you kill something you do not understand? Simple: you embrace the madness, or become a bigger monster.

Madness of Malifaux is the newest expansion to Malifaux Third Edition; bringing with it 6 new masters across the eight factions of the game, an exhilarating and explosive new story, and a host of over 50 other new and exciting characters to join you on the battlefield.

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One copy of Madness of Malifaux supplied in English.