Madman Library Edition Volume 1 (Hardback)

Madman Library Edition Volume 1 (Hardback)

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From Madman’s first appearance through his mysterious origins to his adventures throughout time, space, and pop-art absurdity; follow Frank Einstein’s superhero alter ego Madman as he adventures through Snap City and encounters many zany and timeless characters and villains in this true homage to superhero fiction, metaphysical philosophy, 1950s science fiction films, ro…
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From Madman's first appearance through his mysterious origins to his adventures throughout time, space, and pop-art absurdity; follow Frank Einstein's superhero alter ego Madman as he adventures through Snap City and encounters many zany and timeless characters and villains in this true homage to superhero fiction, metaphysical philosophy, 1950s science fiction films, rock and roll pop music, and much more in this truely humorous and heartfelt comic book classic!