Love From the Shadows (Hardback)

Love From the Shadows (Hardback)

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The third in Gilbert Hernandez's line of original graphic novels featuring Love and Rockets' Fritz in her guise as a Z-movie actress is a trippy thriller that stars Fritz in no fewer than three roles. A beautiful waitress (Fritz) and her nurse brother (also Fritz) visit their estranged father, a once successful but now retired writer (amazingly enough, also Fritz), in order to find …
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Category Tag SKU ZTP-9781606994061 Availability Backorder
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The third in Gilbert Hernandez's line of original graphic novels featuring Love and Rockets' Fritz in her guise as a Z-movie actress is a trippy thriller that stars Fritz in no fewer than three roles. A beautiful waitress (Fritz) and her nurse brother (also Fritz) visit their estranged father, a once successful but now retired writer (amazingly enough, also Fritz), in order to find out the true reason why their mother committed suicide. When dad's health fails, the siblings are then more concerned with the money he might leave them.