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Lost Ruins of Arnak

Lost Ruins of Arnak

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Lost Ruins of Arnak was one of the hottest games of 2020! Czech Games Edition have a new jewel in their crown. Arnak has many tried-and-tested mechanisms, and they all dovetail together like a dream. It’s as if designers Min and Elwen made a wish-list of all their favourite board game features. Then put them together… to create something amazing! In Lost Ruins of Arnak, you play…
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Category Tags , , , , , , , SKU ZBG-CGE00059 Availability 3+ in stock
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Dice Tower


  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You Might Like

  • Relatively easy to get in to
  • Satisfying turns
  • Tight gameplay with potential for great combos

Might Not Like

  • Set up is very similar each game
  • Research track feels necessary to some degree
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Lost Ruins of Arnak was one of the hottest games of 2020! Czech Games Edition have a new jewel
in their crown. Arnak has many tried-and-tested mechanisms, and they all dovetail together like a
dream. It’s as if designers Min and Elwen made a wish-list of all their favourite board game features.
Then put them together… to create something amazing!

In Lost Ruins of Arnak, you play as rival adventurers exploring an island. The two main features at
play are worker placement, and deck-building. You all start with a default deck, with multi-use
cards. You can use them for their basic movement ability, to locate workers around Arnak. Or, you
can use the cards to pick up coins or compass resources. (You’ll need both coins and compasses to
‘buy’ other things.) You draw a limited hand of cards at the start of your turn. The challenge is
trying to stretch the use of those cards out for as long as you can…

On your turn you can take one main action, with the choice of triggering many ‘free’ actions, too.
You could buy better cards. (They’re worth extra points, but also provide much more powerful
actions.) You could go to the base locations of Arnak to earn more exotic resources. You could
explore the island and discover a temple! But look out: ferocious guardians stand watch over these
temples. If you can defeat them, you earn points! If you fail to defeat them you’ll earn a ‘Fear’ card
(this clogs up your deck and is worth minus points).

You could invest in research, get assistants, and discover the true secrets of the island! Arnak
provides you with many different strategies. Can you chain your turns together to keep affording to
do more and more with the island of Arnak? Who will discover the Lost Ruins of Arnak?

Player Count: 1-4 Players
Time: 60-120 minutes
Age: 12+

Lost Ruins of Arnak – Player count: 1 – 4 players Playtime: 45 – 120 minutes Designers: Min & Elwen Publisher: Czech Games Edition

You have come across an uninhabited island in unknown waters traces of a long lost civilisation have been discovered. Lead an expedition to explore the island. Find lost artefacts and face off against the guardians of the island as you race to learn the island’s secrets.

Lost Ruins of Arnak is a one to a four-player game that fuses together deck building and worker placement mechanisms. It is designed by husband and wife Min and Elwen and is published by Czech Games Edition with a playtime of 45 to 120 minutes. Players will need to manage their resources, discover and explore the island and perform research. New locations on the board can be discovered, but are guarded by fierce guardians that can be defeated.

Cards are multi-use and can be used for their main actions or for their travel actions. Additional cards in the form of equipment or artefacts can be purchased. Performing research grants players additional bonuses, abilities and resources to further their goal.

Players can only perform one main action at a time so which actions you perform and when is a crucial part of the game. There are a number of “free” actions that players can in addition to their main action.

The game lasts for five rounds and at the end of the round, the player with the most points is the winner. Points are awarded from defeated guardians, cards in their deck, idols, temple tiles & points from the research track with negative points being gained from fear cards.

Final Thoughts

Lost Ruins of Arnak is a fusion of worker placement and deck building. But does the combination of these two mechanisms work? Is this a recipe for success like fish & chips? Well, read on to find out more.

Fish & Chips

A favourite pub meal of mine is fish & chips and it is something that I will always pick if it is available. There is nothing like the crisp batter and the lovely white fish inside. Add to that, some crispy chips and I am in heaven. It is comforting, it is wholesome and satisfying and it always hit the spot. Stick with me here people.

Lost Ruins of Arnak gives me the same satisfaction as my favourite pub meal. There is nothing revolutionary in the worker placement mechanism but the deck building mechanism has some interesting twists, which I will talk about later. Each of these mechanisms in their own right is not what makes this game stand out. However, when combined together something is born that is greater than the sum of the individual parts and it just hits the spot.

Small but Mighty

The deck-building aspect of the game has some unique twists which I find really enjoyable. When purchasing an equipment card it goes to the bottom of your draw pile. So you can plan for when it is going to come into your hand. Your deck is also relatively small so you get through your deck quicker. When purchasing an artefact you can activate it immediately. This then goes into your play area to be discarded at the end of the round. At the end of the round, your play area is shuffled and placed on the bottom of your draw deck. These three subtle twists on the standard deck building mechanism make for some very exciting turns which think are just wonderful. The deck you build will be small but powerful.

The worker placement aspect of the game is agonisingly tight. You only have two workers and undoubtedly you always wish you had more. But this creates some creative opportunities to gain resources and perform actions in alternative ways which feels satisfying and fun.

Points, Points, Points

There is a multitude of areas to gain points from; defeated guardians, idols, artefact cards, equipment cards and the research track. I feel that you need to progress on the research track to some degree to be a contender for first place. But by default, you will perform the research action at some point as you may need some of the bonuses or abilities. You can also gain up to two assistants this way which can be very useful.

On the research track, each player has two pieces. A magnifying glass which represents you researching and the notebook which represents you documenting your research. Your notebook can’t pass your magnifying glass. You can’t document what you have not researched yet, a nice thematic touch.

Time and Time Again

The gameplay overall is fantastic. It combines two mechanisms which I adore into something new and exciting. The replay-ability is very high as well. There are a fair number of new locations to discover, guardians, to overcome and large decks of artefact and equipment cards (which are all unique). It is a game that I just keep coming back to time and time again and think this will continue to be hitting my table for a long time. On top of this, the solo mode is very streamlined, easy to manage and offers a number of difficulty levels.

The husband and wife due Elwen & Min have smashed it out of the park with The Lost Ruins of Arnak and I will be keeping an eye on these designers from now. One of my top games of 2020.

Summary Of Game

Lost Ruins Of Arnak was one of the big splashes at Essen in 2020. A big box game from CGE with a lot of table presence. This worker placement and deckbuilding mash-up gets you channelling your inner Indiana Jones, exploring the jungle to find ancient treasures and battle fearsome guardians. During this game, you are explorers discovering new far-flung dig sites and finding treasures. These treasures are then to bribe away guardians (no fighting them in this game) and move up the research track.

How To Win Lost Ruins Of Arnak

Generally, the best place to start is at the beginning, except when teaching game rules. First, we have to know how to win. So how does one win Lost Ruins Of Arnak? Get the most points by the end of the four rounds. Nothing groundbreaking there, most games are “win by having the most points”. This is a point salad style game. You can get points by progressing up the research track. You can also gain them by defeating guardians, collecting idol tokens, and getting points on the cards you build your deck with.


Lost Ruins Of Arnak has a lot of moving pieces, but there is very little in the way of game management after each round. The board is a long tall portrait board, so the designers suggest you use it sideways. The board comes in two pieces. The top, larger board is for the exploring, market, and research track. This is where the game really happens.

For a two-player game, you’ll need to block off one of the base camp spots at each location using the blue wave tiles. In a three-player game, randomly flip over three of the tiles and block one space at each of those three locations. The bottom board is for storing the resources, location and guardians tiles, apprentices and research track counters. To aid with set up and tear down, I pour the components into small dishes on this board. Keeps things all neat and tidy. There is a space for everything on the resource board. The five resources are coins, exploration compass tokens, red ruby gems, blue arrowheads and stone tablets.

Next set up the most important part in an exploration game, the exploration site stacks. There is a spot on the resource board for a stack of level 1 sites and a stack of level 2 sites. Shuffle these chunky tiles and place them face down in their respective spots. Do the same for the pile of guardian tiles. These are not specific to level one and two, it is a common pool of guardians.

The spot above these is used for the apprentice tiles. These apprentices are shuffled and put into three equal piles of four tiles each all facing silver side up.

The idols in the game are mixed up and randomly distributed to the level one and level two sites. Some face-down and some face-up according to the iconography on the board. The face-up idols offer an additional bonus resource or banish action to the person who finds it.  They are also worth victory points at the end of the game. These idols are stored on your player board and may later be used to activate additional actions when times get rough.

At the top of the research track, there is the temple. This area has the temple tiles which offer 11, 6 and 2 points per tile. Each stack has the same number of tiles as players. There is one stack of 11 point tiles, two stacks of the six-point tiles underneath that and then three two-point tile stacks under those. Just below this, there is an additional bonus tile space. As many tiles as players are placed in this stack face down and unseen. The first player to reach this high on the track will get to choose their bonus.

The research track is now set up with face down bonus tiles onto all spaces which have a square outline. Some of these spots won’t need a tile in a two or three-player game. The player count is shown on the top left of the square. Once all the tiles are distributed onto the track, you can flip them face up. This open information can really help with decision making later in the game.

Each player takes the four starting cards of their colour (two exploration compass cards and two funding coin cards) and two fear cards from the central deck. They then shuffle them together to make their starting deck placed face down on their player board. Your workers in your player colour go onto your player board ready to be used. Your magnifying glass and diary tokens are stacked at the base of the research track, with the book underneath. This is because the book can never go higher on the track than the magnifying glass, it may be level with it but never above.

Lost Ruins Of Arnak is the king of the double-sided board! The player boards? Double-sided. The resource boards? Dos sides! The huge game board? Two sides with varying difficulty levels. The main change between the two sides of the game board is on the research track. The harder side switches up the way that you need to work the base camp and level one sites in order to get the right combination of resources to get up the track.

The market starts with one artefact card and five item cards in it. The moon staff that is the round marker denotes how many of each type are available. In a two-player deck builder sometimes you can end up with a stagnant market. Where deck building is only part of the game, I was initially concerned that the market wouldn’t cycle enough. The moon staff moves one spot to the right after each round. The cards on either side of the staff are removed and discarded; everything shuffles down and is refilled. I like how the spread between item cards and artefacts alters as the game progresses. Also, you always get an almost fresh market for the new round which stops it becoming filled with high-cost cards.

The item cards can be bought with gold, and at the start this is likely a great use of your coinage. In a regular deck building way, you won’t get to use these cards until it all comes back around in your drawn hand.

The artefact cards work in a different way. You get to use them for free when you first buy them, then you can reuse them when you draw them again from your deck as long as you are able to pay the activation cost of one stone tablet. This twist initially I could not get my head around, but once I did it improved the play no end. You want to maximise the usage of your cards and workers to give you the best bang for your buck when playing cards.

The first player is determined as the person who last went to a new place. Very on theme although during the pandemic we were having to think a lonnnggggg way back to work this out, so ended up doing rock, paper, scissors! The first player gets to take two coins as their starting resources. The next player takes a compass and a coin. The third person takes two coins and a compass, and the fourth player takes a coin and two compasses. At the start of the game, you need compasses to explore, and these are not that easy to come by, so these asymmetrical starting points help everyone to have a fair crack at the start of the game.

Turn Sequence

During your turn, you may take any number of free actions, and one of the following actions: play or buy one card, place a worker on a previously discovered or base campsite, discover a new dig site or move up the research track. Just like many of the best games, the actual gameplay actions are easy to understand and ones you have seen before. However, the way that the game plays out is awesome.

In Lost Ruins Of Arnak the cards from your starting hand are instant compass and coin cards in your player colour and some fear cards. The fear cards are only usable as a boot to visit a base campsite (the lowest power ones) and are negative points at the end. And worst of all, they’re deck cloggers. You want those cards to be binned out of your deck ASAP. You can use them in the first round or two to visit base camp and get some resources to help push you up that research track. But then you want to burn those cards out of the game so they stop cramping your style.

During your turn, you may play a card from your hand either for its effect or for its boon. The travel boons come in four types – boots, cars, boats, and planes. These are what allows you to travel to dig sites. Getting your inner-explorer on is a key part of this game, that is how you gain resources to research and defeat guardians which are both the way to getting those sweet points.

The market row will have item cards that can be paid for with coins, and artefacts can be bought using compasses. These cards all bring a couple of victory points with them, but the powers are why they are great. There are no cards that don’t feel powerful, so you want to get these in your deck.

Aside from the cards, the other key part of this game is worker placement. You have two workers each round, and you can place these at any available previously discovered dig site. For base camp that will be a boot symbol, for level ones it can be cars or boats, and level two can have planes as the symbols. Whenever you place your worker at a site, you gain the resources depicted to go into your personal supply.

When discovering a new site, you must also pay the required amount of compass tokens to represent finding the site. If you place a worker at an undiscovered site, you gain the idol token at that site. If it is face-up you gain the bonus before flipping it face-down and placing it on your player board. The idols may also be used to gain additional resource-related actions if you’re prepared to sacrifice the victory points.

You flip the top location from either the level 1 or level 2 stack depending on the worker placement and gain the resources shown. You then flip the top guardian over from the deck and place it over the location tile. The guardian shows a fearsome creature and also the resources required in an offering to defeat it. If you manage to get the guardian away then you gain the guardian token which is worth victory points.

If you are unable to defeat the guardian before the end of the round, you are still able to remove your worker from that spot but you will have to take a fear card for your deck. These clog your deck and are negative points at the end. Sometimes a guardian will be easy to bribe, other times not so much. This luck of the draw can work out perfectly or badly for you, but that excitement of the flip is part of the thrill for me.

First Round

The first round is going to feel a bit flat. For each round, you only have two workers. You actually never get more than that. There are cards that allow you to move a placed worker, a little like a third worker I guess. You also all start with a very basic deck of not great cards, and the order of turns will matter significantly in how effective you feel like that turn went.

The game only lasts five rounds, and after the speed at which the first round will be over, you’ll worry that the game will only last 15 mins. But, have faith, because as you start to get cooler cards into your deck and are able to do more things and create more combo-tastic moves. In fact, you’ll be astounded by how much you are able to do with only two workers and five cards in a round.

End Game Trigger And Scoring

As I previously alluded to, there are simply five rounds. Once you have done all that you can in those five rounds you are able to finish your game. Other players may continue to complete their own game too. Then at the end, you add up your points from your cards in your deck. Your defeated guardians are all worth 5 points each, your idols are worth points, and any unused idol spots too. You also get a lot of points based on where your magnifying glass and logbook tokens end up on the research track.

In terms of strategy, you need to get up that research track as far as possible. there are lots of sweet rewards on the way up the ladder, as well as there being some big point scoring options too. Lost Ruins Of Arnak is a point salad style game, where everything you do will get you points. Though you need to do some of the non-research stuff too in order to get up that track successfully.

Now, I’m not saying I am a GrandMaster in the dojo of the Lost Ruins game, so definitely take my suggestion with a pinch of salt, but it is for sure a place to start. What I love about this game is that there is so much space in this game to explore. The game is enjoyable regardless of whether you win or lose. Anytime you pull off a combo move you will feel smart!

In Lost Ruins of Arnak, you take on the role of an expedition leader whose team are setting out to explore a mysterious uninhabited island where traces of an ancient civilisation have been found. In your quest to discover more about the island, you will have to bravely explore deeper into the unknown, facing the island’s guardians, collecting artifacts and relics along your adventure. At the end of the game, you will look at your various accomplishments to determine who is the most successful expedition leader.

Basic Gameplay Overview

The game is played over 5 rounds, within each round players take as many turns as they can so long as they can take a main action on that turn. Main actions include; digging at a site, discovering a new site, overcoming a guardian, buying a card, playing a card, and researching. If you are unable to perform any of these actions you must pass on your turn and wait for the next round to start. Along with your main actions, you may take an unlimited number of free actions on your turn, these can be done before, during, or after your main action.

The game is a mix of worker placement and deckbuilding where the cards in your hand can be used to either cover travel costs to a location or for their main card abilities. Each location you place a worker at will gain you a number of abilities and resources, these resources can be used to buy new cards, progress up the research track, or overcome guardians.

The game has no set path to take, you have the freedom to choose what suits you and your play style best. Allowing your focus to be on one thing or a variety of things.

At the end of the game you look at the guardians you have defeated, the position of your two research tokens on the research track, any idols and temple tiles you have, and any cards in your deck that have a Victory Point value associated with them to calculate your Victory Point total and the person with the most is the winner.

How It Plays

Lost Ruins of Arnak was an interesting introduction to a group who had limited experience with modern board gaming, as this is very much a pick how you would like to go about this game situation. What helped is that I had introduced my partner to it before playing with a full group of four so the other two players quickly noticed it’s very much up to you when it comes to this game.

My partner very much likes going after the new locations and defeating the guardians, he hoards resources till near the end of the game and shoots up the research track with everything he has collected. Whereas my early focus is on the research track while tackling new locations and guardians every now and then, more waiting to use the spaces revealed by other players. After a couple of turns the other players picked up on it’s about how you want to play and there is not one sure strategy to win the game.

The mix of worker placement and deck building does work well when you know at least one of the mechanisms prior to playing. I wouldn’t want to use this to teach both mechanisms at once but found it easy to introduce my group to deck building as they already understood the concept of worker placement so part of the way this game works already made sense to them.

So how does a four-player game compare to a two-player game? Though the game does play well at both player counts I lean in favour of the four-player game so far. In both games I am basing this review on we used the bird temple side of the game board, not the snake temple side.

In the two-player game, though both me and my partner did explore and move our way up the research track, the end result felt a lot less like a grand adventure as by the end of the game we had opened up less than half the available new dig sites so there was still a good amount of mystery about what the rest of the board may have contained. Due in part to this, there were fewer resource-heavy locations to go to so we made it roughly only halfway up the research track.

On the other hand with the four-player game, every location had been uncovered, every guardian defeated, and all but one of us made it to the top of the research track with one of our tokens. It felt like a more grand adventure that we were all sharing in. Not that this game has a lot of direct player interaction but you find yourselves all leaning in waiting to see what the new dig site is and what guardian it brings with it, discussing new cards that come to the market, and joking when you trash a fear card just to be made to pick up another that same turn.

That’s not to say Lost Ruin of Arnak doesn’t play well with the lower player numbers it just doesn’t have enough to allow for everything to be revealed. I would happily play it again with two players but never opt for it over a four-player game. I do feel like a three-player game could be more in line with the four-player experience.


Lost Ruins of Arnak did a pretty great job with the included components. The cards are of good quality and feel nice to handle. The cardboard pieces seemed sturdy and thick, every player has a clear set of components that match their player’s colour and though some stickers need to be applied to a few pieces most items are ready to play with as soon as they are taken out of the box or punched out.

The highlight of the components would be the plastic resource pieces. Three of the game’s five resource pieces are very nicely designed and plastic-made pieces, they feel good to handle and seem like a good decision for small items that may see more wear than others. Two of the other resources unfortunately are still card pieces but I can understand their reasoning as there are more of them included in the game so to make these into plastic components may have been expensive and brought the game’s price up. I have sourced upgrades for these components though for my own personal copy as I wanted everything to have a similar look and feel. There are a few suitable replacement options which can be found easily if you wish to do so.

The artwork throughout Lost Ruins of Arnak is of a very high quality, matching the pulpy adventure theme with the highlight being the unique guardian tiles and the background of the board itself. The game would play just as well without it but having this stunning and thematic art style helps elevate the game.

The biggest component letdown is probably the box itself, it comes with absolutely no insert at all. This game has a lot of components, so storing them neatly and logically can make the game an easier set-up, but without an insert the box becomes a mess and I was worried about things getting damaged when transporting it. This again was another upgrade I sourced myself so I had more peace of mind when taking this game to other locations.

Final Thoughts

Lost Ruins of Arnak is a fun adventure-filled game, that works well with players who have some modern board gaming experience and are starting to explore the hobby all the way up to experienced players. Though it may not be the best introductory game the theme is approachable and appealing to a wide range of players.

The open-minded approach to play how you want to makes the game very replayable not to mention the included variant board for more experienced players and included solo mode, there’s a lot of play to be had out of this one.

Zatu Score


  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You might like

  • Relatively easy to get in to
  • Satisfying turns
  • Tight gameplay with potential for great combos

Might not like

  • Set up is very similar each game
  • Research track feels necessary to some degree