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In Looterz, players are racing to collect the most loot possible by recruiting a team of Looterz. Your loot is never safe though as many Looterz have the ability to steal Loot from other players. A player’s turn involves 4 phases: Recruitment, Looter Activation, Recruitment, and then Sacrifice. Each recruitment phase allows the player to draw a card from the deck or put a Loot…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-CMNLTZ001 Availability Out of stock
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In Looterz, players are racing to collect the most loot possible by recruiting a team of Looterz. Your loot is never safe though as many Looterz have the ability to steal Loot from other players. A player's turn involves 4 phases: Recruitment, Looter Activation, Recruitment, and then Sacrifice. Each recruitment phase allows the player to draw a card from the deck or put a Looter from their hand into play. Players are then allowed to choose to activate their Looterz in any order. Finally, if players have more than 3 Looterz in play, they must discard down to 3. Looting is resolved by rolling dice. The number of hearts on a Looter indicates the number of dice a player may roll during the Loot resolution.


In Looterz, players are racing to collect the most loot possible by recruiting a team of Looterz. Your loot is never safe though as many Looterz have the ability to steal Loot from other players. A player's turn involves 4 phases: Recruitment, Looter Activation, Recruitment, and then Sacrifice. Each recruitment phase allows the player to draw a card from the deck or put a Looter from their hand into play. Players are then allowed to choose to activate their Looterz in any order. Finally, if players have more than 3 Looterz in play, they must discard down to 3. Looting is resolved by rolling dice. The number of hearts on a Looter indicates the number of dice a player may roll during the Loot resolution.