Loke Battle Mats: The Terrain Set

Loke Battle Mats: The Terrain Set

RRP: £49.99
Now £40.79(SAVE 18%)
RRP £49.99
Expected Release Date 01/03/2025
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Two 12×12″ map books combine to create 24×24″ maps Now includes four 12×12″ pages of reusable scenery decals Laminated pages are wipe clean & wet/dry marker safe Books lay perfectly flat, ideal for use with minitaures Plain terrain maps offer maximum customization, flexability & reusability 360° spine allows each page to be used individual…
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Category Tags , , , SKU ZSPG-LOKEBM054 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Two 12x12" map books combine to create 24x24" maps
Now includes four 12x12" pages of reusable scenery decals
Laminated pages are wipe clean & wet/dry marker safe
Books lay perfectly flat, ideal for use with minitaures
Plain terrain maps offer maximum customization, flexability & reusability
360° spine allows each page to be used individually
Easy to store & transport
Make your own map scenes in seconds!