Living with Flowers

Living with Flowers

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Learn the basics every budding florist should know and fill your house with flowers! Rowan Blossom’s debut book, Living with Flowers, is perfect for those who want to bring seasonal blooms into their home.

Rowan Blossom is a Notting Hill-based florist who specialises in wild and natural creations using seasonal blooms. In her new book, Rowan draws from her experiences working with Bloom & Wild, Elle and Matthew Williamson to spruce up your interiors with beautiful bouquets.

Create 25 of Rowan’s favourite floral masterpieces for every occasion, from tokens to the grandest of statements. Learn how to make a floral chandelier or hang a curtain of flowers, fashion a festival crown or tie a simple bouquet.

Rowan’s love of everything bohemian, vintage and natural makes this the perfect book for first-time flower-arrangers and anyone who wants to bring flowers into their home.

As seen in The Sunday Times, Harper’s Bazaar and Mail on Sunday’s YOU magazine.