Little Prince

Little Prince

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No need to introduce the mysterious little boy who asks the aviator: If you please, draw me a sheep!” In the style of the novella, the game goes to meet the Little Prince who asks you now: “If you please, make me a planet!” Meet again the Little Prince’s dear ones as well as the characters he met during his journey..
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No need to introduce the mysterious little boy who asks the aviator: If you please, draw me a sheep!" In the style of the novella, the game goes to meet the Little Prince who asks you now: "If you please, make me a planet!" Meet again the Little Prince's dear ones as well as the characters he met during his journey..


No need to introduce the mysterious little boy who asks the aviator: If you please, draw me a sheep!" In the style of the novella, the game goes to meet the Little Prince who asks you now: "If you please, make me a planet!" Meet again the Little Prince's dear ones as well as the characters he met during his journey..