Life Is Strange: Double Exposure - Nintendo Switch

Life Is Strange: Double Exposure – Nintendo Switch

RRP: $49.99
Now $63.55
RRP $63.99
Nintendo Switch
Expected Release Date 04/03/2025
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Max Caulfield, photographer-in-residence at the prestigious Caledon University, discovers her closest new friend, Safi, dead in the snow. Murdered. To save her, Max tries to Rewind time – a power she’s not used in years… instead, Max opens the way to a parallel timeline where Safi is still alive, and still in danger! Max realizes the killer will soon strike again – in both ve…
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Category Tags , SKU VKM-SQEA92.UK.45ST Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Max Caulfield, photographer-in-residence at the prestigious Caledon University, discovers her closest new friend, Safi, dead in the snow.


To save her, Max tries to Rewind time – a power she’s not used in years… instead, Max opens the way to a parallel timeline where Safi is still alive, and still in danger!

Max realizes the killer will soon strike again – in both versions of reality.

With her new power to Shift between two timelines – can Max solve and prevent the same murder?