Leisure Days No. 4 - The Scoreboard End Puzzle (1000 pieces)

Leisure Days No. 4 – The Scoreboard End Puzzle (1000 pieces)

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Expected Restock Date 01/03/2025
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This is the fourth in a series of nostalgic scenes, each highlighting popular ways to spend your leisure time. What better way to spend a sunny Sunday afternoon than by enjoying the local cricket match? You can pack your deckchairs into the car, take a picnic, watch the match and listen to the sound of leather on willow. Even if you’re not that much of a fan, you can always ta…
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This is the fourth in a series of nostalgic scenes, each highlighting popular ways to spend your leisure time. What better way to spend a sunny Sunday afternoon than by enjoying the local cricket match? You can pack your deckchairs into the car, take a picnic, watch the match and listen to the sound of leather on willow. Even if you're not that much of a fan, you can always take a book and just enjoy the beautiful surroundings and the summer weather. It may even inspire dreams of a glorious sporting future!