Legions Imperialis: Baneblade Squadron
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Please note the expected date shown above is a guideline only. Backorder items will typically arrive within the next 2 months, however, in some instances they may take longer. Any orders that contain a Backorder Item will not be dispatched until all items in the order are available. Please keep this in mind before you place any orders that contain both in-stock and Backorder items. Please place a separate order to receive in-stock item(s) sooner!
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It wouldnt be an Imperial army without tons of tanks rumbling along, and Baneblades are just about the most iconic vehicles in the Solar Auxilia motor pool. This pack of two super-heavy tanks comes with a choice of Baneblade cannon or Hellhammer cannon for each. In addition to different main guns, each has three possible tank commanders and three different sponson options. You can field them in Detachments of up to six vehicles.
It wouldnt be an Imperial army without tons of tanks rumbling along, and Baneblades are just about the most iconic vehicles in the Solar Auxilia motor pool. This pack of two super-heavy tanks comes with a choice of Baneblade cannon or Hellhammer cannon for each. In addition to different main guns, each has three possible tank commanders and three different sponson options. You can field them in Detachments of up to six vehicles.