Legendary: Noir Small Box Expansion

Legendary: Noir Small Box Expansion

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Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Mystery, secrets, and betrayal. Legendarys 12th expansion steps into a universe where superpowers are replaced by gritty stories. Play through the Marvel Noir storyline within Legendary! The game will feature 5 new heroes, 2 Villain groups, 2 New Masterminds and 4 new schemes. Use Spider-Man, Iron Man, Daredevil, Luke Cage and Angel in their Noir setting. Each Small Box Expansion Se…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-UPD87263 Availability Backorder
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Mystery, secrets, and betrayal. Legendary’s 12th expansion steps into a universe where superpowers are replaced by gritty stories. This 100 card small box expansion hosts Heroes, Schemes, and Villains in a way never before seen in the Legendary universe. This is Legendary: Noir.

Among the infinite number of alternate universes contained in the stories of Marvel Comics, there lies a world set in the dark and forbidding streets of the gangster-dominated 1920s and ’30s, where the heroes, mostly devoid of superpowers, must rely on their wits to survive every twist thrown at them as they try to solve heinous crimes and make their world a safer place.