Legendary Monsters - The Witcher: Path of Destiny

Legendary Monsters – The Witcher: Path of Destiny

RRP: $49.99
Now $52.34(SAVE 18%)
RRP $63.99
Expected Release Date 31/12/2024
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The Legendary Monsters is the second (and last) paid gameplay add-on for The Witcher: Path of Destiny. It introduces a fully cooperative mode, where players fight one automated enemy – a legendary monster. The chosen monster will roam the board, fighting the players and launching powerful special attacks. Even if one player is eliminated, the game is lost, so tight cooperation…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-REBPOD2LHEN Availability Available to Pre-Order
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The Legendary Monsters is the second (and last) paid gameplay add-on for The Witcher: Path of Destiny. It introduces a fully cooperative mode, where players fight one automated enemy - a legendary monster.
The chosen monster will roam the board, fighting the players and launching powerful special attacks. Even if one player is eliminated, the game is lost, so tight cooperation is a key to success.
Along the way, players will need to complete Challenges, that will allow them to gain the benefits necessary to even stand a chance. Do not ignore Challenge cards, as the unfulfilled challenges will hurt you!