Lazarus: Enmity's Edge - Paperback

Lazarus: Enmity’s Edge – Paperback

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Dive into the Dark Angels’ chapter with Lazarus: Enmity’s Edge by Gary Kloster. When Lazarus and the 5th Company are sent to the war-torn knight world of Reis, they must navigate political intrigue and internal conflict to defend against an ancient evil. This paperback novel captures the grim struggles and heroic sacrifices of the Space Marines.
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Dive into the Dark Angels’ chapter with Lazarus: Enmity’s Edge by Gary Kloster. When Lazarus and the 5th Company are sent to the war-torn knight world of Reis, they must navigate political intrigue and internal conflict to defend against an ancient evil. This paperback novel captures the grim struggles and heroic sacrifices of the Space Marines.

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Dive into the Dark Angels' chapter with Lazarus: Enmity's Edge by Gary Kloster. When Lazarus and the 5th Company are sent to the war-torn knight world of Reis, they must navigate political intrigue and internal conflict to defend against an ancient evil. This paperback novel captures the grim struggles and heroic sacrifices of the Space Marines.