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In the year of 1413 – the new King of England, Henry V of Lancaster, pursues ambitious plans: the unification of England and the conquest of the French Crown! The player with the most power points at the end of the game is the winner. Every turn, players send their knights to the different locations. Counties, where they compete with knights from other players for rewards and …
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In the year of 1413 - the new King of England, Henry V of Lancaster, pursues ambitious plans: the unification of England and the conquest of the French Crown! The player with the most power points at the end of the game is the winner. Every turn, players send their knights to the different locations. Counties, where they compete with knights from other players for rewards and the favor of the nobles. The castle, to receive income or new knights. Into conflict with France, where all players combine their power and try to gain power points. In the counties the strength of the knights is important as you can remove the knight of another player by placing a knight of your own with higher strength in the same location. Age 10 for 2 - 5 players. Playing time: approx. 60 min