Legend of the Five Rings LCG - In Pursuit of Truth Dynasty Pack

Legend of the Five Rings LCG – In Pursuit of Truth Dynasty Pack

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As part of the Dominion cycle, In Pursuit of Truth adds unique new mechanics to challenge players understanding of the game most especially with your provinces. The provinces under your control have been changed forever by the introduction of events in your dynasty deck, along with two new keywords: eminent and rally. Whether you’re venturing into enemy territory or defending …
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Tags , , SKU ZBG-FFGL5C31 Availability Out of stock
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As part of the Dominion cycle, In Pursuit of Truth adds unique new mechanics to challenge players understanding of the game most especially with your provinces. The provinces under your control have been changed forever by the introduction of events in your dynasty deck, along with two new keywords: eminent and rally. Whether you're venturing into enemy territory or defending your own people from invasion, you'll find the game's provinces placed in the spotlight throughout the Dominion cycle.