L5R LCG: Bonds of Blood Dynasty Packs

L5R LCG: Bonds of Blood Dynasty Packs

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Step into the world of Rokugan with Bonds of Blood, the second dynasty pack in the Inheritance Cycle for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game! The Inheritance Cycle sees Rokugan splinter like never before and places on emphasis on Bushi and Courtiers, as well as introducing the Disguised mechanic, allowing iconic samurai to remain in the shadows until the perfect moment. Bonds of…
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Step into the world of Rokugan with Bonds of Blood, the second dynasty pack in the Inheritance Cycle for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game!

The Inheritance Cycle sees Rokugan splinter like never before and places on emphasis on Bushi and Courtiers, as well as introducing the Disguised mechanic, allowing iconic samurai to remain in the shadows until the perfect moment. Bonds of Blood includes a prolific Phoenix Shugenja, new provinces for the Lion and Unicorn, a deadly new Poison card for the Scorpion, and more!