Knights of the Dinner Table Issue #315

Knights of the Dinner Table Issue #315

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This multiple award-winning comic magazine has moved to a bimonthly double-sized graphic novel format! Featuring the hilarious misadventures of a group of gamers (the Knights) and their friends, along with useful role-playing and other articles for gamers, from a gamer’s perspective. It’s a slice of (fantasy) life in strips, articles, reviews and features, and a wonderful celebrat…
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This multiple award-winning comic magazine has moved to a bimonthly double-sized graphic novel format! Featuring the hilarious misadventures of a group of gamers (the Knights) and their friends, along with useful role-playing and other articles for gamers, from a gamer’s perspective. It’s a slice of (fantasy) life in strips, articles, reviews and features, and a wonderful celebration of the gaming culture!