Kirby is...Fantastic King-Sized (Hardback)

Kirby is…Fantastic King-Sized (Hardback)

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Kirby is the greatest storytelling mind in comic book history. Kirby is an architect of the world’s most-famous universe of characters. KIRBY IS…FANTASTIC! The first in a line of super-giant -king-size-hardcovers celebrating the incomparable talent of Jack The King Kirby, Kirby is… Fantastic! brings together a selection of all-time great issues from his tenure on F…
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Kirby is the greatest storytelling mind in comic book history. Kirby is an architect of the world's most-famous universe of characters. KIRBY IS...FANTASTIC! The first in a line of super-giant -king-size-hardcovers celebrating the incomparable talent of Jack The King Kirby, Kirby is... Fantastic! brings together a selection of all-time great issues from his tenure on Fantastic Four. Featuring the 1960s debut of the Sub-Mariner, knitting together Marvel's Silver and Golden Ages; earth shaking battles between the Thing and the Hulk; the debut of the Black Panther; the unveiling of the utopian man-god 'Him' (a.k.a. Adam Warlock); a life-or-death epic battle with Doctor Doom in the heart of Latveria; and a deadly trip into the Negative Zone topped off by the history-making birth of Franklin Richards. Collecting: Fantastic Four (1961) 4, 12, 25-26, 52-53, 66-67, 84-87 & Annual 6