Kings of War 3rd Edition: Tundra Wolves Troop

Kings of War 3rd Edition: Tundra Wolves Troop

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Packs of Tundra Wolves are commonly spread throughout the northern regions of Mantica. Their thick arctic fur is a prized possession among the human tribes and clans, but many have also become semi-domesticated. The ultimate prize for any hunter are wolf pups, which, when trained, become ferocious guardians and invaluable huntin
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-MGKWL302 Availability 3+ in stock
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Packs of Tundra Wolves are commonly spread throughout the northern regions of Mantica. Their thick arctic fur is a prized possession among the human tribes and clans, but many have also become semi-domesticated. The ultimate prize for any hunter are wolf pups, which, when trained, become ferocious guardians and invaluable huntin