King's Coalition

King’s Coalition

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The game lasts for 6 turns. Every turn a new Subject is added to the Recruitment Area. For the first 4 turns, a new Bonus card is also revealed. But 2 Bonus cards are always available, Sets and Sequences. Every turn you will draft a Subject from the deck or the Recruitment Area. Then you will discard a card to the Recruitment Area. Try to maximize your hand to meet as many Bonus r…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-PTZ73402 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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The game lasts for 6 turns. Every turn a new Subject is added to the Recruitment Area. For the first 4 turns, a new Bonus card is also revealed. But 2 Bonus cards are always available, Sets and Sequences.

Every turn you will draft a Subject from the deck or the Recruitment Area. Then you will discard a card to the Recruitment Area.

Try to maximize your hand to meet as many Bonus requirements as possible while also trying to create Sets and/or Sequences. Bonuses can range from not having a particular class in hand while having multiples of another class. Or having more of a class than other classes. Bonus decrease in value as the game comes to an end: the first bonus is worth 30 points while the last one is worth 10 points.

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The game lasts for 6 turns. Every turn a new Subject is added to the Recruitment Area. For the first 4 turns, a new Bonus card is also revealed. But 2 Bonus cards are always available, Sets and Sequences.

Every turn you will draft a Subject from the deck or the Recruitment Area. Then you will discard a card to the Recruitment Area.

Try to maximize your hand to meet as many Bonus requirements as possible while also trying to create Sets and/or Sequences. Bonuses can range from not having a particular class in hand while having multiples of another class. Or having more of a class than other classes. Bonus decrease in value as the game comes to an end: the first bonus is worth 30 points while the last one is worth 10 points.