Killer Bunnies Quest Violet Booster

Killer Bunnies Quest Violet Booster

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Killer Bunnies are back again, sporting Specialty bunnies, which make taking double turns a snap! The Violet Booster Deck adds another 55 cards to your existing set, plus a Clear twenty-sided die. ​ Other fantastic cards include: Insight to give players a chance to view the top 5 small Carrot Cards, Bunnies in Black to protect your bunnies from the Beyea Aliens, Low Jack Kojak to …
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Killer Bunnies are back again, sporting Specialty bunnies, which make taking double turns a snap! The Violet Booster Deck adds another 55 cards to your existing set, plus a Clear twenty-sided die.

Other fantastic cards include: Insight to give players a chance to view the top 5 small Carrot Cards, Bunnies in Black to protect your bunnies from the Beyea Aliens, Low Jack Kojak to annoy opponents by making them return Carrots to Kaballa's Market, and four more Carrots – now there are 20 to collect!

Can you escape the Bittersweet Chocolate Covered Anti-Matter Raisins or avoid the run-in at the local Crow Bar? Pick the fabulous triple Specialty Bunny and play two cards in a row! The laughs continue as this hysterical Violet Booster Deck delivers a deeper strategic edge and ways to claim the Magic Carrot and win!