Killer Bunnies Quest Chocolate Booster

Killer Bunnies Quest Chocolate Booster

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It’s incredible (but it’s not edible), the Chocolate Booster Deck adds 55 new cards to your existing set, including the bizarre antics of the Omega cards, the Arrow Kite mechanic of the Psi cards, and the literary parodies of the Nu cards. Take a glance Through The Looking Glass to increase your Cabbage and Water supply or use a shameful Scarlet Letter to force an opponent to lo…
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It’s incredible (but it’s not edible), the Chocolate Booster Deck adds 55 new cards to your existing set, including the bizarre antics of the Omega cards, the Arrow Kite mechanic of the Psi cards, and the literary parodies of the Nu cards.

Take a glance Through The Looking Glass to increase your Cabbage and Water supply or use a shameful Scarlet Letter to force an opponent to lose cards. Indiana Clones will help you to increase your weapons supply while Bunny Eye For The Carrot Guy will reward you for wearing the right color clothes during play. If a pesky opponent's annoyance won't cease, then give him The Djarnak and force him to declare peace.

It's the best Booster Deck yet, so there's no reason to fret. It's the one with the delicious title… Chocolate!