Kill the Unicorns

Kill the Unicorns

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Unicorns are elegant and majestic creatures… That’s what you think anyway, but in fact they are silly and reproducing too quickly!Kill the Unicorns is a blind bidding and collection card game. You play as one of the Queendom’s unique characters – catch as many unicorns as you can, ideally without accidentally capturing a smelly Unicorn or a Pigicorn!
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Category SKU ZBG-MORUNI001 Availability Out of stock
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Unicorns are elegant and majestic creatures. That's what you think anyway, but in fact they are silly and reproducing too quickly!Kill the Unicorns is a blind bidding and collection card game. You play as one of the Queendom's unique characters - catch as many unicorns as you can, ideally without accidentally capturing a smelly Unicorn or a Pigicorn!