KeyForge: Worlds Collide Premium Box

KeyForge: Worlds Collide Premium Box

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The Crucible is about to be shaken up in Worlds Collide, the third age of KeyForge! In this continuation of the worlds first Unique Deck Game, two brand-new Houses enter the fight for the Crucibles vaults as 284 new cards are seamlessly integrated into the existing card pool. With new Houses come more new keyword abilities and new styles of play to create an entirely new collection …
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Category Tags , , , SKU ZBG-FFGKF08 Availability Out of stock
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The Crucible is about to be shaken up in Worlds Collide, the third age of KeyForge! In this continuation of the world's first Unique Deck Game, two brand-new Houses enter the fight for the Crucible's vaults as 284 new cards are seamlessly integrated into the existing card pool. With new Houses come more new keyword abilities and new styles of play to create an entirely new collection of Archon Decks for you to discover, explore, and master!

For those ready to take their battles on the Crucible to the next level, the Worlds Collide Premium Box offers everything you need to keep your valued KeyForge components safe and organized. Complete with two unique Worlds Collide Archon Decks, five tuckboxes designed for sleeved decks, a chain dial, a collection of tokens and a box to house them, and vibrant stickers to display your pride for any of the nine KeyForge Houses, you'll be ready to jump into the Crucible with style!