KeyForge: Discovery - 1 Player Starter

KeyForge: Discovery – 1 Player Starter

RRP: £19.99
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KeyForge: Discovery is comprised of more than 300 classic KeyForge cards chosen for their simplicity, intuitiveness, and fun factor. It is a set created specifically for new and casual KeyForge players. Every unique KeyForge: Discovery deck provides an easy introduction to KeyForge with a focus on core game mechanics and minimal use of keywords. There is enough variety and depth in…
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Category Tags , , , SKU ZBG-GHOKF22S Availability Available to Pre-Order
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KeyForge: Discovery is comprised of more than 300 classic KeyForge cards chosen for their simplicity, intuitiveness, and fun factor. It is a set created specifically for new and casual KeyForge players.

Every unique KeyForge: Discovery deck provides an easy introduction to KeyForge with a focus on core game mechanics and minimal use of keywords. There is enough variety and depth in KeyForge: Discovery to keep both new and casual KeyForge players excited and engaged in discovering what KeyForge has to offer.

KeyForge: Discovery 1-Player Starters each contain one unique deck, as well as the tokens and rules required for one player to get started with the game.

KeyForge, designed by Richard Garfield, is unlike any other card game in that every deck purchased is completely unique and playable out of the box.


KeyForge: Discovery is comprised of more than 300 classic KeyForge cards chosen for their simplicity, intuitiveness, and fun factor. It is a set created specifically for new and casual KeyForge players.

Every unique KeyForge: Discovery deck provides an easy introduction to KeyForge with a focus on core game mechanics and minimal use of keywords. There is enough variety and depth in KeyForge: Discovery to keep both new and casual KeyForge players excited and engaged in discovering what KeyForge has to offer.

KeyForge: Discovery 1-Player Starters each contain one unique deck, as well as the tokens and rules required for one player to get started with the game.

KeyForge, designed by Richard Garfield, is unlike any other card game in that every deck purchased is completely unique and playable out of the box.