Jigsaw Art: 100+ Materpieces (Code In Box) - Nintendo Switch

Jigsaw Art: 100+ Materpieces (Code In Box) – Nintendo Switch

RRP: $12.99
Now $17.16
Nintendo Switch
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Puzzlers who have a passion for art can finally get their fill. With Jigsaw Art, you can puzzle with the most beautiful works of art in existence. From Da Vinci and Van Gogh to Botticelli and Hokusai. Choose from different categories, such as classic Masterpieces, Abstract, Watercolor and Contemporary art. Be inspired by beautiful works of art while racking your brain to solve the most challenging puzzles.

Choose from four categories: Masterpieces, Abstract, Watercolor and Contemporary

Different puzzle levels (30/120/300/600 pieces)

Accessible controls, also via touch screen

Pick up where you left off thanks to the auto-save function

Multiplayer mode for up to 4 players

Artists like: Monet, Munch, Haring, Rousseau, Kadinsky, Hokusai, Rembrandt