Jay & Silent Bob's Secret Stash Short Comic Book Storage Box

Jay & Silent Bob’s Secret Stash Short Comic Book Storage Box

RRP: £12.99
Now £11.69(SAVE 10%)
RRP £12.99
Expected Release Date 01/04/2025
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Store your comic books with style and ease using WizKids’ printed short boxes, featuring licensed artwork from Jay & Silent Bob’s Secret Stash! These stackable boxes are simple to assemble and crafted from durable double-walled corrugated material, with reinforced two-layer handles and a sturdy bottom for added strength. Each box can hold approximately 150-175 bagge…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-WZK67024 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Store your comic books with style and ease using WizKids’ printed short boxes, featuring licensed artwork from Jay & Silent Bob’s Secret Stash! These stackable boxes are simple to assemble and crafted from durable double-walled corrugated material, with reinforced two-layer handles and a sturdy bottom for added strength. Each box can hold approximately 150-175 bagged and boarded comics, and comes complete with a lid to keep your collection secure. Perfect for any comic book enthusiast, these boxes offer both practical storage and a touch of fandom flair.

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Store your comic books with style and ease using WizKids' printed short boxes, featuring licensed artwork from Jay & Silent Bob's Secret Stash! These stackable boxes are simple to assemble and crafted from durable double-walled corrugated material, with reinforced two-layer handles and a sturdy bottom for added strength. Each box can hold approximately 150-175 bagged and boarded comics, and comes complete with a lid to keep your collection secure. Perfect for any comic book enthusiast, these boxes offer both practical storage and a touch of fandom flair.


Store your comic books with style and ease using WizKids' printed short boxes, featuring licensed artwork from Jay & Silent Bob's Secret Stash! These stackable boxes are simple to assemble and crafted from durable double-walled corrugated material, with reinforced two-layer handles and a sturdy bottom for added strength. Each box can hold approximately 150-175 bagged and boarded comics, and comes complete with a lid to keep your collection secure. Perfect for any comic book enthusiast, these boxes offer both practical storage and a touch of fandom flair.