It's Hard to be a Girl (Paperback)

It’s Hard to be a Girl (Paperback)

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It’s Hard to be a Girl, is all about Estelle: a fashion addict and a shopaholic, particularly for shoes. Estelle shares her life with Charles who works with her in the video gaming world. Despite this common interest, Charles often has trouble following Estelle in her various misadventures. It is her taste for style that sometimes leads to behaviour that is somewhat, er, speci…
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It's Hard to be a Girl, is all about Estelle: a fashion addict and a shopaholic, particularly for shoes. Estelle shares her life with Charles who works with her in the video gaming world. Despite this common interest, Charles often has trouble following Estelle in her various misadventures. It is her taste for style that sometimes leads to behaviour that is somewhat, er, special. In It's Hard to be a Girl, Bach demonstrates great observational skill and a keen sense of self-deprecation. This is Bach's first graphic novel.