Islands Expansion

Islands Expansion

RRP: £20.00
Now £17.59(SAVE 12%)
RRP £20.00
Expected Release Date 30/06/2025
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In this game you will deal with cryptozoology, search for strange creatures and prove their existence. In this world, they really exist, they just perfectly hide from human eyes. Your task is not only to find these unique species of animals, but also to provide them with a safe habitat – for some creatures, various cities are ready to provide such places, for the rest you are …
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-IDV0180 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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In this game you will deal with cryptozoology, search for strange creatures and prove their existence. In this world, they really exist, they just perfectly hide from human eyes. Your task is not only to find these unique species of animals, but also to provide them with a safe habitat – for some creatures, various cities are ready to provide such places, for the rest you are building a unique reserve.

Cryptic Nature is a Euro connoisseur game for 2-4 players with a game duration of 60-90 minutes. It combines Point to Point Movement and Dice Rolling elements. The winner is the player who can track down and capture the most cryptids and present them to the public in the reserve.

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In this game you will deal with cryptozoology, search for strange creatures and prove their existence. In this world, they really exist, they just perfectly hide from human eyes. Your task is not only to find these unique species of animals, but also to provide them with a safe habitat - for some creatures, various cities are ready to provide such places, for the rest you are building a unique reserve.

Cryptic Nature is a Euro connoisseur game for 2-4 players with a game duration of 60-90 minutes. It combines Point to Point Movement and Dice Rolling elements. The winner is the player who can track down and capture the most cryptids and present them to the public in the reserve.