Iron Clays 200 Printed Box with Chips

Iron Clays 200 Printed Box with Chips

RRP: 89.99
Now €87.29(SAVE 19%)
RRP €107.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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A new expanded set of Iron Clays. This set of 200 chips is designed to suit heavy games, all euro style games, many 18XX games, and Poker (up to 5 players per set). Iron Clays 200 are delivered in a sturdy, foil stamped, embossed magnetically sealed box. Within the box, the clays are stored in stackable plastic trays, allowing them to reside on your game table accessible to you and …
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-ROX505 Availability Backorder
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A new expanded set of Iron Clays. This set of 200 chips is designed to suit heavy games, all euro style games, many 18XX games, and Poker (up to 5 players per set).

Iron Clays 200 are delivered in a sturdy, foil stamped, embossed magnetically sealed box. Within the box, the clays are stored in stackable plastic trays, allowing them to reside on your game table accessible to you and your opponents.

The total bank has a value of 14,240 and includes the following chips:

40 x 1
40 x 5
20 x 10
40 x 20
20 x 50
20 x 100
20 x 500