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Invisible is a simple, fast-paced party game for 2 to 8 players. It’s based on players’ agility, in which they have to search for objects and creatures in fantastic pictures that they can find – or for the one that they cannot, as the cards vary between those where you can find only one of the important things and those where you can find all but one. The game’s rule…
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Category Tag SKU ZPG-KOR70715 Availability Out of stock
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Invisible is a simple, fast-paced party game for 2 to 8 players. It's based on players’ agility, in which they have to search for objects and creatures in fantastic pictures that they can find - or for the one that they cannot, as the cards vary between those where you can find only one of the important things and those where you can find all but one. The game’s rules are designed to be simple, thus it seems familiar and likeable for every generation. The game takes only 10-15 minutes to play, with guaranteed entertainment. Find it, smash it, take it!