Invisible Sun- Vislae Kit

Invisible Sun- Vislae Kit

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A player companion to Invisible Sun, with everything a player may want: dice, a Sooth Deck, a grimoire pad, character tomes, tokens, and more. The Black Cube contains everything a full gaming group needs to play a complete campaign-but sometimes the players want their own stuff, and even GMs may want extra copies of character tomes, grimoires, and other consumable Invisible Sun comp…
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A player companion to Invisible Sun, with everything a player may want: dice, a Sooth Deck, a grimoire pad, character tomes, tokens, and more. The Black Cube contains everything a full gaming group needs to play a complete campaign-but sometimes the players want their own stuff, and even GMs may want extra copies of character tomes, grimoires, and other consumable Invisible Sun components.