International Pop To The Shops

International Pop To The Shops

RRP: £11.99
Now £10.19(SAVE 15%)
RRP £11.99
Expected Restock Date 01/02/2025
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Race and count your 3D character from shop to shop, using play money to buy lots of different items! The winner is the first person to collect 6 items on their board. This fun board game is suitable for older players, with longer and more varied gameplay than some of our traditional matching games. Children will learn about handling money and giving change as well as developing th…
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Race and count your 3D character from shop to shop, using play money to buy lots of different items! The winner is the first person to collect 6 items on their board. This fun board game is suitable for older players, with longer and more varied gameplay than some of our traditional matching games.

Children will learn about handling money and giving change as well as developing their imagination as they take on the roles of shop keeper and banker, playing with realistic pretend money. They will also be taught about good manners, as they must say 'please' and 'thank you' to the shopkeeper every time they buy an item!

Cards feature clear and bold illustrations, which can be used to teach children about different everyday items which can be found at the shops. Children can also add their own tills and purses to the game for extra play value!


1 jigged game board
48 item cards
4 shopping bag boards
4 characters
4 character stands
Play money
1 dice
1 instruction leaflet