Instagram Poetry for Every Day

Instagram Poetry for Every Day

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The first anthology of Instagram poetry, Instagram Poetry for Every Day, collates over 100 poems by some of the top handles to follow in the exciting world of digital poetry.

A must-have for fans of Rupi Kaur, Atticus and R.H. Sin and the perfect introduction to the wide scope of Insta-poetry for newcomers to the genre.

The first of its kind, this anthology brings together work of popular Insta-poets as well as up-and-coming talent. Short, relatable and hard-hitting, the poems embrace contemporary themes of mental health, women’s empowerment, racial prejudice, gender diversity and political turmoil, as well as the perennial poetic preoccupations of love, nature and loss. With a wide range of voices, themes and visual approaches, there is something here that will speak to all of us.

Instagram poetry has become a massive phenomenon in recent years and is credited with introducing and popularising verse with a new generation. Insta-poets are dominating not only the poetry charts, but the bestseller lists and bringing poetry books to prime front of shop display in bookshops. The accessibility and shareable nature of the Instagram poem has hit a nerve and offers an emotional release with the modern, online audiences.

Including works from Instagram sensations:

• Nikita Gill @nikita_gill
• Travis @travisalabanza
• M.ivy @ivyatmidnight
• Christopher Poindexter @christopherpoindexter

Instagram Poetry for Every Day is curated by editors Chris McCabe and Jessica Atkinson from the National Poetry Library. Founded in 1953 and opened by poets T.S. Eliot and Herbert Read, the National Poetry Library is home to the most comprehensive collection of poetry in the UK. In 2017, the National Poetry Library curated the world’s first Instagram poetry exhibition.