Pathfinder RPG: Inner Sea Intrigue Campaign Setting

Pathfinder RPG: Inner Sea Intrigue Campaign Setting

RRP: £10.50
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From the thieves’ guilds of Absalom to the rebel networks of Galt, from the poisoners of Daggermark to the secret courts of Taldor, cloak-and-dagger plots manipulate fates across the Inner Sea region. With Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Intrigue, you ll learn the secrets hidden beneath the surface of the Pathfinder world. New insights on social combat, misleading magic…
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From the thieves' guilds of Absalom to the rebel networks of Galt, from the poisoners of Daggermark to the secret courts of Taldor, cloak-and-dagger plots manipulate fates across the Inner Sea region. With Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Intrigue, you ll learn the secrets hidden beneath the surface of the Pathfinder world. New insights on social combat, misleading magic, and secret academies allow the techniques introduced in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue to shine. A host of new, campaign-driven archetypes, equipment, and magic items also present a spectrum of new options for deceptive heroes and unlock the powers of the new vigilante class for heroes and villains alike. Learn the secret arts of the Inner Sea region and unleash the powers of stealth and subtlety in your Pathfinder RPG game.