Infamous Iron Man Vol. 2: The Absolution of Doom (Paperback)

Infamous Iron Man Vol. 2: The Absolution of Doom (Paperback)

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Think you’ve seen Victor von Doom versus Reed Richards battle before? Well, you’ve never seen anything like this! The Reed Richards from a dead reality calls himself ‘The Maker’ -and his ultimate plans for this world are far more insane than anything Doctor Doom has ever attempted! Now Doom, as the Infamous Iron Man, is the only one who can stop the mad Maker…
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Think you've seen Victor von Doom versus Reed Richards battle before? Well, you've never seen anything like this! The Reed Richards from a dead reality calls himself 'The Maker' -and his ultimate plans for this world are far more insane than anything Doctor Doom has ever attempted! Now Doom, as the Infamous Iron Man, is the only one who can stop the mad Maker. Victor is the hero? Reed is the villain? It is a world gone mad! COLLECTING: INFAMOUS IRON MAN 7-12