Indika - PS5

Indika – PS5

RRP: £24.99
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Play a third-person, story-driven game set in alternative Russia at the turn of the XIX century where religious visions clash with harsh reality. Indika tells the story of a young nun who sets off on a journey of self-discovery with the most unusual companion by her side, the devil himself. Features: • Play a TPP adventure game that combines an imaginative story with a dark sense …
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Category Tags , SKU VAD-P5READMGA37978 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Play a third-person, story-driven game set in alternative Russia at the turn of the XIX century where religious visions clash with harsh reality. Indika tells the story of a young nun who sets off on a journey of self-discovery with the most unusual companion by her side, the devil himself.

• Play a TPP adventure game that combines an imaginative story with a dark sense of humour.
• Join a young nun Indika on her journey of self-discovery.
• Meet the devil himself as Indika’s unlikely travel companion.
• Explore the hidden depths of Indika’s soul while tackling unique puzzle elements.
• Travel through surreal landscapes of Russia seen in a distorted mirror.