Zatu Gold Award
Incan Gold 3rd Edition

Incan Gold 3rd Edition

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Incan Gold is an award-winning game in which players push their luck as they head into a ruined temple, attempting to find the most jewels. Each turn, a card is turned over that increases the gold found in a temple or shows a hazard. Players can attempt to escape, keeping the loot that they’ve acquired, or stay in the temple, hoping for increased profits. As players escape, th…
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Golden Pear


  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You Might Like

  • High-quality components.
  • Quick turn taking and overall game doesn’t take long.
  • Easy to teach and learn.
  • Great social interaction.
  • “Push your luck.

Might Not Like

  • Great filler game, but not the main event.
  • Requires plenty of people to make the game more engaging.
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Incan Gold (also known as Diamant) is a press-your-luck game designed by Bruno Faidutti and Alan R. Moon. Published by Eagle-Gryphon Games, Incan Gold sees 3-8 players exploring a treasure cave. But looter, beware! Deadly hazards await within here, too. How far you dare venture in? You’ve watched the Indiana Jones movies, right? Not everyone that enters those tombs survives, you know!

The structure of Incan Gold is easy to teach. A card gets flipped, which has a treasure value on it (or a type of hazard, such as a deadly snake or a rockfall). If it’s treasure, then split that amount of treasure between all the players. Any remaining sits on the card. Then every player secretly picks their Torch card (they want to continue exploring) or their Camp card (they return back to camp).

If players play Camp cards, they head back to camp, keeping any treasure they’ve bagged. Why would players want to do this? If a second type of hazard card reveals, all players still in the tomb drop all loot they’ve collected this round. They have to run out of the cave, away from that hazard! The longer you stay in the tomb (and the more people leave), the larger chunk of the treasure you’ll earn. Of course, the risk is that if you push your luck too hard, you could end up with a zilch to show for it! The player with the most treasure at the end of five rounds.

Coming in at around the 30-minute mark, Incan Gold is a fantastic ‘filler’ game that anyone can learn to play. It’s the ideal kind of party game to start or end a games night. Despite being set in the hot Peruvian jungle, Incan Gold is a classic ice-breaker.

Player count: 3-8 players
Game length: 30 minutes
Age rating: 8+

Zatu Score


  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You might like

  • High-quality components.
  • Quick turn taking and overall game doesnt take long.
  • Easy to teach and learn.
  • Great social interaction.
  • Push your luck.

Might not like

  • Great filler game, but not the main event.
  • Requires plenty of people to make the game more engaging.