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Icaion is an Engine Territory Building, Resource Management eurogame for 2 to 5 players designed by Martino Chiacchiera and Marta Ciaccasassi. In Icaion you become a Seeker, an expert adventurer, sent out by the Organization to hunt for treasures, Qoam, relics and artifacts from ancient times. Key Features: Original illustrations from acclaimed artist Travis Anderson More than 70 hi…
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Category SKU ZBG-HPSTBG0351 Availability Out of stock
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Icaion is an Engine Territory Building, Resource Management eurogame for 2 to 5 players designed by Martino Chiacchiera and Marta Ciaccasassi.

In Icaion you become a Seeker, an expert adventurer, sent out by the Organization to hunt for treasures, Qoam, relics and artifacts from ancient times.

Key Features:
Original illustrations from acclaimed artist Travis Anderson
More than 70 highly detailed miniatures
The unique 120mm tall Colossus miniature
Combine it with Mysthea for a co-op experience "The Fall"
Deploy your Machines, Harvesters, Scavengers in strategic places of the map before other players to establish control of areas and exploit its resources
Go on a quest to activate the special Apparatus in the far craters left by the islands of Mysthea