I Love Led Zeppelin (Paperback)

I Love Led Zeppelin (Paperback)

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Long-awaited collection of strips created for several alternative newsweeklies and magazines over the last several years by the Harvey and Eisner Award-nominated cartoonist Ellen Forney. While most of the stories sprang from Forney's own inspiration, some are collaborations with such luminaries as comedienne Margaret Cho, novelist (and Al Gore's daughter) Kristin Gore, writer and ed…
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Long-awaited collection of strips created for several alternative newsweeklies and magazines over the last several years by the Harvey and Eisner Award-nominated cartoonist Ellen Forney. While most of the stories sprang from Forney's own inspiration, some are collaborations with such luminaries as comedienne Margaret Cho, novelist (and Al Gore's daughter) Kristin Gore, writer and editor Dan Savage, writer David Schmader, cartoonist Ariel Bordeaux, writer Tamara Paris, Forney's beloved Grandma Florence and Camille Paglia.