How to Grow Your Dinner

How to Grow Your Dinner

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Just the thing to overcome your fears and find out just how much you can grow on a balcony or window ledge.” – Jane Perrone, Guardian

A vegetable garden is not an option for everyone, and so container growing has become desirable for people with little outside space

Many have discovered the love of growing houseplants and want to take their skills to another level; others are inspired by the idea of growing their own food organically and sustainably. The book covers all the essentials of growing a range of edible plants in pots, and meeting each crop’s specific needs.

Author Claire Ratinon brings her urban food growing expertise to this popular subject, in a book designed to appeal to new gardeners and anyone who would like to take on the rewarding challenge of growing their own dinner, even if they’ve only got a window box or balcony to work with.