How I Tried To Be A Good Person (Paperback)

How I Tried To Be A Good Person (Paperback)

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Lust’s follow-up to her first internationally lauded graphic memoir, Today is the Last Day of the Rest of Your Life, picks up directly where its predecessor left off. Revealing and powerful, Lust recounts her life as a young, enthusiastic anarchist making her way in Vienna in the 1990s – and of her love for two men: the ‘perfect companion’ Georg, an actor twe…
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Lust's follow-up to her first internationally lauded graphic memoir, Today is the Last Day of the Rest of Your Life, picks up directly where its predecessor left off. Revealing and powerful, Lust recounts her life as a young, enthusiastic anarchist making her way in Vienna in the 1990s - and of her love for two men: the 'perfect companion' Georg, an actor twenty years her elder, and the 'perfect lover,' Kimata, a Nigerian man-about-town. As her relationships with the two men evolve, jealousy increasingly mounts and leads to emotional and violent outbreaks that threaten her life.