Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition: Horrific Journeys Expansion

Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition: Horrific Journeys Expansion

RRP: £69.99
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RRP £69.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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In the skies above the Atlantic, a dirigible’s peaceful journey is interrupted by a bloody act of revenge and an oncoming storm. On the sea far below, a treacherous saboteur plants the explosives that will sink a ship. In the New England countryside, a train billows black smoke, desperately fleeing an unimaginable threat. Horrific Journeys is a deluxe expansion for Mansions of Mad…
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It’s time to move beyond Arkham. The horrific journeys expansion for Mansions of Madness 2nd edition adds all the tiles needed to take your adventures to an ocean liner, a luxury steam train or a floating airship high above the city of Arkham.
Horrific journeys unlocks 3 new scenarios in the companion app. Also introduced are new concepts and effects that can lead to the investigators becoming lost in time and space. Agendas are a new mechanic used in one of the 3 new scenarios. This can lead to some of the investigators becoming hybrid creatures who are trying to make the investigation fail.
Also included are 4 new investigators as well as 7 new creature miniatures. 18 new double sided map tiles are in the box as well as new spells, new conditions and new items. These components can be used with the base game of mansions of madness 2nd edition as well as with any other expansions.
Players: 1-5
Time:2-3 hours
ages: 14+