Hopeless, Maine 3 (Paperback)

Hopeless, Maine 3 (Paperback)

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Welcome back to the fog-shrouded island of Hopeless, Maine. Salamandra and Owen do their best to cope with a new danger to island residents while investigating a new rash of disappearances. Masked, cowled cultists have begun to make themselves known, and the vampires are about as much help as usual. Salamandra struggles with the disembodied presence that surrounds the island and con…
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Category Tag SKU ZTP-9781908830166 Availability Backorder
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Welcome back to the fog-shrouded island of Hopeless, Maine. Salamandra and Owen do their best to cope with a new danger to island residents while investigating a new rash of disappearances. Masked, cowled cultists have begun to make themselves known, and the vampires are about as much help as usual. Salamandra struggles with the disembodied presence that surrounds the island and continues to speak to her alone. This is the most eventful volume yet, with greater insight into the main characters, and a generous helping of dark humour.